algorithms or games

5:32 PM / Posted by Andrea Avendaño Medina /

Algorithms cannibals and missionaries.

Game logic.

Press play to be located in the upper right of the game Findest 3 cannibals on the screen (the green) and 3 missionaries (the brown) from the shore The shore will be the initial and final A side or the destination is B.

The game of cannibals and missionaries should not lead to the B side the 3 cannibals and 3 monks taking into account the number of monks should always be greater or equal to that of the cannibals in the boat must always be one of them except the last, because we need not return.

By having at least a cannibal or a missionary or forward to return press the GO icon that appears at the top center of the game.

1. Select with the mouse two cannibals.

2. Being in a boat press go. To get to B, click one of the cannibals that this is en.B

3. With the remaining cannibal back to shore to go to press. 4. There select the remaining cannibal, both press and go to reach B.

5. There, click on one of the cannibals on the bank to make B

6. With the cannibal returns to the shore

7. Click the cannibal for leaving the boat on the shore A now selects 2 missionaries and press GO to go to B.

8. Let one of the missionaries and one cannibal goes up to this point you should have some pairs (cannibal and missionary) on the banks A, B and in the boat.

9. With the couple go to the bank A, click on it to the cannibal in A, and select the remaining monk to get into the boat.

10. With the two missionaries on the boat go to the bank B and leaves by clicking on them.

11. Upload andalusia cannibal B to the edge of the boat and back to A.

12. Click one and go to the cannibalistic side B.

13. Let one of the cannibals and the boat returns to shore A.

14. Click on the last two being the cannibal and click GO to go to the B side there click on both cannibals

15. Doing this right will have won.

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